Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A big problem of MS and older calculator in solving problem of math

There are some mathematical problems which are easy to solve without any calculator . But if someone uses a calculator he may find that the 2 answer may not be the same. Have you been through this kind of problem ? Try the bellow problem.

Creating sun in the soil of earth

Sun is one of the most important element for the existence of the Earth. But the heat of the sun is very high though we don't feel that much for the distance between the Sun and Earth. As the energy of the sun can be used in many ways,

Sunday, July 26, 2015

New planet discovered by 15 years boy

There are so many planet in the space. Scientists are discovering many more planet in the space day by day. Some of them are bigger than Earth and some of them are smaller than Earth. Though they have their own specialties. But discovery of a new planet is always a great news to know.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Cultivating vegetable in space

NASA is a famous name for their discovery of planets and space related discovery. But they are also known for many kind of uncommon discoveries. They are working for the betterment of the human being. Their discoveries have always been one of the most talked and interesting ones. They not only have a great effect on the Astrology but also other classes of the science.

Eighth color of rainbow

Rainbow is one of the most interesting element of the nature. The beauty of the Rainbow can not be described into words. Rainbow is seen mainly after the rain. So, Rainy season is the best time for watching a Rainbow. We know that there are 7 colors in the Rainbow.